Monday, March 13, 2006


Blowing through the fields and forests; change. Change in heart, thinking, and many other ways...specifically thoughts brought on by happenings at the latest speech and debate tournament. It was a spectacularly bodacious time of fun and learning and challenge, and I enjoyed every minute of it. But I also had the chance to experience adversity from some rather scary areas...I think that this next little work kind of tells the story better than I can in regular writing....maybe :-)

*Listens to the wind* Wind is an amazing creation...and it's blowing strong this evening. Before I move onto the main purpose of this post I thought I'd share a little rhyme thing that popped into my head whilst thinking on the wind.
"Wind singing through the trees, breath of His life ringing in the breeze, fresh is the scent and lovely as the wind blows, my heart for you the God of earth only knows....” :-)

Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful day!
I should have something else ready in a short time, I'm just working on completing some ideas for another little ditty :-)
~ Jon ~

What Shall it Profit a Man

A happy long hallway stair,
A smell of dank must in the air,
The brilliance of another blessed day,
Lost as I stood, walking my own way.

My cry echoes, resounding, through,
This impenetrable night, resting with you;
I did my very best to walk and run away,
And ended up lost, alone and a stray.

I strove to build a kingdom of my own,
I longed to command from upon my throne
But, my palace just toppled and buried me,
My spirit broken, humbled, yet free….

Suffering the stress of an endless day,
I jumped for my goals and lost my way,
For glory been reaching, only for me
The straw to the camel: topicality.

My heart growled and leapt ablaze,
Was engulfed in the shadow of a pitying haze,
A red-ink entry in my mind’s daily lists of sin,
I sat on a tree and brooded on where I’d been.

Doubts in my head spoke words of fear,
How could the joy of God’s Will be near?
Traversing along a self-pitying path,
I was tortured by failure and His wrath.

The deep sound of forest quiet stole upon my ears,
Dry and earthy leaves drank my ungrateful tears,
Sitting in the stillness of the loving trees,
I saw the Son, bowed, and sank to my knees.

Sitting astride a moss covered log,
I prayed forgiveness and lifted the dark fog,
For it’s His power to which I’m bound,
And in His will I long to be found.

For what shall it profit a man?
Fighting for myself I never will stand,
From awards and fame I finally ran...
For only God can profit a man.

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