Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Winds of Reformation

Two days ago, I was sitting alone outside of our church between services just observing the beauty around me. As I sat and pondered theological intricacies, the economic plights of Third-World countries, and the huge problems in our political system...well, actually - just the basic meaning of life - I was suddenly aware of the soft tendrils of the breeze gently brushing across my face. Gradually, the breeze began to increase in strength - it started moving through the tops of the trees, sounding the crescendo of Spring-time harmonies. I sat and watched as the wind played it's course through the bushes, across the lawn and in the tumbling leaves. The clouds were pushed back and the warm light of the sun smiled down upon my lonely heart. I thought about the wind. As it breezed by, shuffling papers, it's soft, persuasive tones again brushed my thoughts, and reminded me of truth - truth carried on the winds of change, truth carried on winds of redemption, and hope carried on the wings of the wind. I remembered the sun, it's smiling face, and the hope born to all on the wings of His wind. Striving in my simplistic way to capture this amazing force, I pulled a pen from my bag and began to write these thoughts pulling on the fabric of my heart and mind. I wrote haltingly, hesitantly, trying to contain and express this great truth being screamed to the world through the deafening silence. Every part of me longed to fully embrace these winds of change, hope and love. All that was in me longed to share the renewing redemption with all the world - to sing till the whole world listened to the song of the King. Alas, my simple words, rough hands, and untrained mind failed to adequately expose the glory of the King and His song born on the wind - yet....yet, I was compelled to write. And so, with pen in hand, I lifted my rough, imperfect praise to His throne...and it was good.

Enjoy Wings of the Wind.

~ Jon ~

Wings of the Wind

Pushing, tearing,
Ripping, bearing,
The orchestral sound,
Of the wind playing now,
It's sounds of chaos,
Hauntingly resound.

Temporal, worldly
Blowing angrily,
It's courses have run,
Enough harm was done,
A new wind sweeps now,
The Life wind of His Son.

Spiritual, living,
Salvation it's giving,
Days despairair have passed,
All our limp banners,
Could fly brilliantly,
Faith rests in what will last.

Hasten, fly,
Accept, He forgives,
The sound of His voice
Inhabits the wind,
The time is right now,
Don't wait, make your choice.

Saving, redeeming,
His hope brings meaning,
Stand right where you are,
And bask in new wind,
Receive with open arms,
New life in your heart.

Loving, caring,
Hope is returning,
His winds bear my ship,
Through all storms and tears,
My rigging is safe,
My sails do not rip.

Laughing, beaming,
His light is streaming,
Light shines all around,
Carried on His wind,
Let that force embrace you,
And by grace be unbound.

Freeing, enduring,
Forever fulfilling,
It sweeps wrong away,
It lifts the soul high,
Breathe into the wind,
In His love you'll stay.

Safety, secure,
Stalwart He's pure,
No matter all've sinned,
Forgiveness flies now,
Darkness is broken,
I fly on the wings of His wind..


Anonymous said...


Little Drummer Boy said...

This is just a test for commenting. I changed a setting - hopefully it'll do what I want it to ;-)

While I'm here, I should say that the tournament was absolutely amazing! It was tons of fun and a wonderful experience. I wrote some stuff about it, but I don't think I'm going to publish it. I may write something more generally acceptable and uplifting about it after the AP exam...keep checkin' back for more =D