Friday, March 21, 2008


Escape is a common theme resounding through the halls of the worn and traveled hearts of the humanity by which our world is surrounded. Some call it an excuse to become removed from world in which we live. Others hold, dearly, that escape is necessary to maintain a structure of sanity in their lives. Still others stand convinced of the tangible reality of an “other place” that generously impart renewal and rejuvenation to those who find its secrets.

It is, conceptually, both powerful and timid, both peaceful and utilitarian, both real and imagined, both quiet and demanding. Escape is thus a place of unbounded attraction to those with a wandering mind, and a sweet dream for those in need. Indeed, it is a sweet dream for some without need or care. Truthfully, the difference between our own individual worlds of escape, for, you know, we all have them, is not a sense of existence, but the certain and tangible knowledge of the existence of these places of refuge. Some lay hold of this diversity and attempt to offer some profundities in a futile effort to resolve them. There is, however, a simple explanation that will serve admirably to satisfy the curious: Imagination. My personal curiosity led me to discover this which I now share with you.

Kaetti’s World

A frozen sea of crystal sand,
A common sight for those within,
Entraps the image of without,
A vantage point where worlds begin;
And in their midst is Kaetti’s world.

For as one looks, and thinks, and breathes,
Flash colours of life passing by,
Though some are different and reflect,
A scripted, random, pattern nigh;
And thus a step toward Kaetti’s world.

Then landscapes shift and clouds roll in,
Outside, their tears, they shower clear,
And as one scene all blends and melts,
While nature fades the light from here;
The light behind shows Kaetti’s world.

A shimmering, inviting, place,
‘Comes more defined – outside is night,
New colours dance and weave and blur,
Now painting vivid unknown sights,
A glimpse revealed, of Kaetti’s world.

The portal gleams and stands anew,
Inviting one to enter in,
A tapestry of brightened scenes –
Experience the peace within;
The warm embrace of Kaetti’s world.

Thence to fly, be it pain or need,
To weep and pray and heal and rest,
In worlds removed, imagined, free,
The place of refuge loved the best;
A hope renewed in Kaetti’s world.

This gateway to another world,
Found in a mirror looking out;
Where some would see mere darkened skies,
There lays a deepened peace throughout;
The rest and calm of Kaetti’s world.

Like so much rain on child’s chalk,
All dissipates with morning light,
Once more through life someone must walk,
Remembering the hope from night,
Spent at rest in Kaetti’s world…


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful.... I do love my visits to Kaetti's world ^_^ Thank you for the poem

Shells said...

Beautiful; it conjured up the image of a small child, in the middle of London during World War II, sitting in her house, windows blacked out, bombs falling all around, but she's peaceful in her beautiful fairy-tale land. It gives her a warm, soft comforting light in the middle of the darkness. :-)

I wish the escapes didn't always have to be temporary.

Blank said...

Well thank you. I intend to lengthening that post (I don't have the gall to just say I have something worth saying without backing it up haha), so check back in awhile.