Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Temporal Voice

The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker illustrates how our entire lives are wrapped up in a gigantic cosmic tale of love, and dealing with the sin-created opposite, hate. It is amazing to take a step back and realize that, we're here for a purpose created by a loving God, and that, though we became imperfect and inherently flawed to a fatal degree, we may be saved from our condition because of a vital and personal love: the sacrificial love of Christ. Thus, our response to love and philosophies guiding the in which we think about, speak about and practice love become of the utmost importance.

Recently, I've had the privilage of sitting under some purely excellent teaching about the nature of love. One of the main conclusions reached by the teachers to whom I have listened has been that a totally self-denying and sacrificial love actualized by God, vibrant in our hearts, and vivid through our actions is the highest and best way in which to live our lives in regards to the character of love. That thought alone has made me stop to think more often about my own actions and the reasons behind the words I say and thoughts I think. The realization, or dawning comprehension of the true scope that love should have in one's life is incredibly powerful. A basic understand of this Agape, or unconditional love, is certainly the best place in which to begin an exploration of the other loves identified by the Greeks in their literature, love for family and friends, for self, and the...more romantic love.

I began my introduction in this manner to provide a little perspective on where I've been, so that you can understand where I'm going. I wrote this next little work in the context of the more romantic (surprised?) love that's been stirred and tapped recently. I want you, as the reader, to understand that, though I am enraptured by this love, it is not the highest love. In fact, this love isn't even possible in a pure form until one can grasp the larger picture of the unconditional and sacrificial love displayed by Christ. My passion for the subject about which I have written below originates directly from my recent turn from being trapped on my own playing field to looking upwards and seeking the face of God, His direction, and His will. And thus, I have written

~ Jon ~

Heavenly Similitudes

There once was a boy,
Who lived in a world,
Like unto our own,
Whose life was just plain,
Until that one day,
Of rapture and awe.

The day had begun,
Like any Spring day,
Yet all felt more rich,
So vibrant – alive,
As if God had sung,
And World echoed back.

He trod his life’s path,
That one fine Spring day,
But tripped and fell flat,
And reddened quickly,
Then tried to explain,
His two lefted feet.

But she smiled back,
A light in her eyes,
And offered her hand,
To help him back up,
To balance his feet,
And righten his mind.

From that one day on,
Nothing was the same,
For that boy had known,
She had been special;
That he fell in love,
With earth’s one angel.

Sometimes he’d see her,
They’d cross in their paths,
He’d walk and look down,
She’d stop and just smile,
At him who she knew,
That she loved so too.

This angel of light,
The sweetest of beings,
He held in his heart,
The closest of all,
Her soul changed his life,
Forever, for good…

This earth-bound angel,
She sang like the sun,
Moved as a princess,
And told of her love,
With a smile just like,
A light on dark hills.

She made his heart leap,
And rise to a love,
That’d die for her name,
Protect her whole life,
Then’d embrace her and say,
You’re safe in my arms.

The story goes on,
Of their love and life,
Together, they were,
Eternity on;
Would that I could tell,
Their history’s path.

The ending was lost,
I’m saddened to say,
Yet, can be remade,
Through other lives too,
As he holds her close,
His angel and friend.